Slack’s most recent update introduces a separate tab for direct messages and an Activity view inspired by Discord

Slack’s most recent update introduces a separate tab for direct messages and an Activity view inspired by Discord

Slack is introducing a new design today to help users stay‌ focused and be more productive by simplifying the interface. 

One ⁢noticeable change is⁣ the sidebar. Instead of having a tile for each workspace, users will now see a single tile that combines all workspaces.‌ This change allows ⁤for new navigation ‍options.


The sidebar now​ includes⁣ buttons for Home, DMs (direct messages), Activity, Later, and More sections, along with a search icon and a ​new Create button. The Home ⁢view is similar to the current Slack interface, allowing users to access channels, unread‍ items, ⁢drafts, apps, and more.

The DMs section⁣ will conveniently bring together direct message conversations and make ⁤them easily⁤ accessible. The DM list will ‍display the most ⁤recent message from each chat, and ⁣users can choose to ‍view only unread messages.

2023-08-09⁣ 08:00:32
Article⁢ from rnrn

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