Silent Cables Poised to Unveil Elusive Physics Phenomena

Silent Cables Poised to Unveil Elusive Physics Phenomena

Imagine trying to tune a radio to a single ⁤station but instead encountering static noise and ‍interfering signals‍ from‍ your own equipment. That⁢ is⁣ the challenge facing research teams searching for evidence of extremely rare events⁣ that could help ⁢understand the origin and‍ nature of matter in⁢ the universe. It turns out that ​when ‍you are ‍trying to tune ⁢into some of the universe’s weakest signals, ​it helps to make your instruments very ‍quiet.

Around‌ the world more than a dozen teams are listening for the pops and electronic ⁤sizzle⁤ that might mean they​ have finally tuned into ‌the right channel. These‍ scientists and engineers ​have gone to extraordinary lengths to ​shield their experiments from ‌false signals created by cosmic radiation.

Most such experiments are found in very inaccessible places—such as a mile underground in a nickel mine in Sudbury, Ontario, ⁣Canada, or ‌in an abandoned‌ gold⁢ mine in Lead, South Dakota—to shield ⁢them from naturally radioactive ⁣elements on Earth. However,​ one‍ such source of⁢ fake signals comes ‍from natural ⁢radioactivity⁣ in​ the very electronics ‍that are designed to ⁣record potential signals.

Radioactive contaminants, even at concentrations​ as tiny as one​ part-per-billion, can mimic the elusive signals that scientists are seeking. Now, ‌a research team at the Department ⁤of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, working with Q-Flex Inc., a small business partner in California, has produced electronic cables ⁢with ultra-pure materials.

These cables⁢ are specially designed and manufactured to have such‌ extremely low levels of the⁤ radioactive‍ contaminants that they will⁤ not interfere with⁢ highly⁤ sensitive ⁤neutrino and dark ⁤matter experiments.

2023-09-22 05:24:03
Original from rnrn

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