Shipping of Humane AI Pin orders to commence in March

Shipping of Humane AI Pin orders to commence in March

The Humane AI⁣ Pin is expected to start shipping ⁣in March.⁢ On⁤ Friday, the company posted on X (Twitter) that “those who⁣ placed priority orders will ⁢receive ⁢their Ai Pins first when we begin⁤ shipping in March.” The company ​had previously given an “early 2024” estimate for the screen-less wearable device designed⁤ to replace a smartphone.

Humane, founded‌ by former Apple employees Bethany Bongiorno and Imran Chaudhri, views the smartphone (still their ex-employer’s ⁤bread​ and butter) as on its last legs. “The last era has plateaued,” TechCrunch reported Chaudhri as ⁤saying⁣ in a ⁢November press briefing. He views the AI-powered‌ wearable product as ‍“a new way of thinking, a‌ new sense of opportunity.”

2023-12-22 13:54:49
Source from humane-ai-pin-orders-will-start-shipping-in-march-185449334.html?src=rss” target=”_blank” style=”color:blue” rel=”noopener”> rnrn

The Humane⁢ AI Pin is expected to​ start shipping‌ in March.‍ On Friday, the company posted‌ on X ​(Twitter) that “those who placed priority orders will receive ​their Ai Pins first when we begin shipping​ in March.” The company⁢ had previously given an “early 2024”‍ estimate for the screen-less wearable device designed to replace a smartphone.

Humane, founded⁣ by former Apple​ employees​ Bethany Bongiorno and Imran Chaudhri,⁣ views the smartphone (still their ex-employer’s bread‌ and butter) as⁢ on its last legs. “The last era has plateaued,” TechCrunch ‍reported Chaudhri as saying in a November press ⁣briefing. He views the​ AI-powered wearable product as “a new way of thinking, a new ⁢sense of​ opportunity.”

2023-12-22 13:54:49
Source from ​rnrn

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