Security Risks Prompt China’s Call for Citizens to Evacuate Myanmar Border Area

Security Risks Prompt China’s Call for Citizens to Evacuate Myanmar Border Area

China’s ⁢embassy in Myanmar has‍ urged its citizens to leave the ⁣Laukkai area in the ⁣Kokang region, which⁣ is located along the⁢ shared border between the two countries, due to security‌ risks.

This call⁣ was made on Thursday ⁤as ‍Myanmar’s⁤ military government faces its biggest ⁢challenge since the 2021 coup, with ongoing battles against ethnic minority‍ rebel​ groups.

Since October, clashes have ⁤been occurring in Myanmar’s northern Shan State, as the Arakan​ Army (AA), the ‍Mandarin-speaking ⁢Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), and ⁢the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) launched Operation 1027, an⁢ offensive against the military.

These rebel groups have taken control of several towns and border hubs⁣ that are crucial for trade with China.

Myanmar​ has experienced a significant escalation in hostilities⁣ across​ the country since the start of Operation 1027.

“The conflicts in the Laukkai ​district of Kokang, northern Myanmar, are ongoing, and the safety risks for⁢ people stranded there have increased,” stated⁢ the embassy on its ‌WeChat account on Thursday.

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