Searching for sterile neutrinos in the CMS muon system

Searching for sterile neutrinos in the CMS muon system

The CMS collaboration has recently ‌presented ⁣new results in searches‌ for long-lived ⁢heavy neutral leptons (HNLs). Also known as “sterile neutrinos”,‍ HNLs are interesting hypothetical particles that could solve ⁢three major puzzles⁤ in particle physics: they could explain​ the smallness of neutrino masses via the so-called “see-saw” mechanism, they could ‌explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe, and at the same‍ time they could provide a candidate for dark matter.

They are⁤ however​ very difficult to detect ​since ​they‌ interact very weakly with known particles. The current ‍analysis is ‌an ‌example of researchers having to use ⁣increasingly creative ⁢methods to‌ detect particles that the detectors were not ‍specifically designed to⁣ measure.

Most of the particles studied in the large LHC experiments have one thing in common: they are unstable and decay​ almost⁢ immediately after being produced. The products of these decays are usually electrons, muons, photons ‌and hadrons—well-known particles that the big particle⁢ detectors ⁢were designed to‍ observe and​ measure.

Studies of the original short-lived particles are performed based⁣ on careful analysis of the⁣ observed decay products.‌ Many of⁢ the flagship LHC results were obtained this way, from the Higgs boson⁣ decaying into photon pairs and ⁢four leptons to studies ‍of the top quark and discoveries of new exotic hadrons.

The HNLs studied in this ‍analysis require a different approach.‍ They⁤ are neutral particles with comparatively long lifetimes that ‌allow them to fly for meters undetected, before decaying somewhere in the detector. The analysis ⁤presented here ⁣focuses on cases where an HNL ‍would appear‌ after the decay of‍ a W boson in a proton-proton collision, ⁤and would then⁤ itself‌ decay ​somewhere in the muon system of the CMS detector.

2023-07-30 08:00:04
Original from ‌ ‍ rnrn

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