Scientists focus on Candida auris’ adhesive properties, posing life-threatening risks

Scientists focus on Candida auris’ adhesive properties, posing life-threatening risks

In 2009, a‌ mysterious fungus emerged⁣ seemingly from out of thin air, ​targeting the most vulnerable among us. It sounds like Hollywood, but the fungus in question poses ​a very ⁤real threat. Scientists are scrambling to figure out what makes the ​life-threatening fungus Candida auris tick—and why even the best infection control protocols ​in ‍hospitals and other care ‌settings often fail to get rid of it.

Researchers at the University of Michigan have zeroed​ in on C. auris’ uncanny ability to stick to everything ⁤from skin⁢ to ‌catheters and made a​ startling discovery.⁤ The paper, “A ⁣Candida auris-specific adhesin, SCF1, governs⁣ surface⁢ association, colonization, and ⁤virulence,” has been ⁢published in ‍Science.

The investigative team, led by Teresa O’Meara, Ph.D. of the U-M Medical School Department of Microbiology and Immunology and her graduate​ student Darian Santana, has discovered that C. auris is ​unlike⁣ any other known⁤ fungus in that it employs a type of protein, called an adhesin, that acts⁤ very‍ similar to‍ those⁣ used by oceanic organisms, such as barnacles and mollusks.

Their original hypothesis was that C. auris would use an⁣ adhesin from the families of‍ sticky proteins used by other fungi like C. albicans. ​However, when they checked the usual suspects, namely proteins from the highly conserved ALS and IFF/HYR families, they came up ⁤mostly short, ⁤except for one protein, IFF4109, with ⁣a⁤ partial affect.

They then pivoted to a‍ different screening method to‍ systematically break ⁣the genome of ⁣C. auris and see which mutant lost its ability to stick to 96-well plastic plates—leading to the discovery of a new adhesin they named⁢ Surface Colonization Factor (SCF1).

2023-09-29 08:48:02
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