Scientists devise method to create synthetic allosteric sites in protein complexes

Scientists devise method to create synthetic allosteric sites in protein complexes

According to a recently published research paper, an approach has been developed to create artificial allosteric sites (where by binding an effector molecule, activity at the distal active site is regulated) in protein complexes. This breakthrough research holds significant promise for a wide range of applications in industrial, biological, medical, and agricultural fields. The work was published in Nature Chemistry.

Protein complexes, such as hemoglobin and molecular motors, exert concerted functions through cooperative work between the subunits (constituent proteins in the protein complex). This orchestration is enabled by the allosteric mechanism.

Allosteric effect, regulation of function at an active site in a subunit by the binding of an effector molecule to an allosteric site in another subunit, was originally proposed in the 1960s and since then it has remained one of the most important topics in the biochemistry field.

A research team has developed a strategy for designing artificial allosteric sites into protein complexes to regulate a concerted function of a protein complex. “The creation of artificial allosteric sites into protein complexes has the potential to reveal fundamental principles for allostery and serve as tools for synthetic biology,” said Nobuyasu Koga, a professor at the Osaka University.

The research team hypothesized that allosteric sites in protein complexes can be created by restoring lost functions of the pseudo-active sites which are predicted to have been lost during evolution. Various protein complexes include subunits that have pseudo-active sites.

2023-07-06 11:00:05
Original from rnrn

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