Scientists Catch a Rare Glimpse of Nitrogen-9, an Elusive Isotope

Scientists Catch a Rare Glimpse of Nitrogen-9, an Elusive Isotope

Researchers may have just spotted the elusive, ephemeral nucleus of‍ nitrogen-9⁢ for the first time.
If follow-up ​studies can confirm the detection, ⁣nitrogen-9 will‍ be the⁤ first nucleus spotted with⁣ five more protons than it ⁢can stably hold — until ⁣now, the limit was four.
“What are the⁢ limits of nuclear⁣ existence?” asks nuclear ⁤physicist Andreas Heinz of Chalmers University of ​Technology in ​Gothenburg, Sweden, who ⁤was not involved in the study. That’s what the study’s​ authors and physicists more generally are trying to understand, he⁢ says.
Protons and neutrons, the subatomic⁤ particles that make⁢ up atomic nuclei, are essentially glued⁣ together by the ‌strong nuclear force (SN: 9/13/22). But the force ‍can’t ⁣hold ⁤together nuclei ‌that have ⁤wildly skewed ratios ‌of protons to neutrons. Too many of either particle — especially protons, which repel each other due to their positive charge — and ⁤the nuclear bucket starts to overflow.

2023-10-27 12:34:51
Original from
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