Scientists believed they had discovered Earth’s most ancient rocks half a century ago.

Scientists believed they had discovered Earth’s most ancient rocks half a century ago.

Oldest rocks — Science News, July 21, 1973
At about ‌4.3 billion⁣ years old, bedrock in northeastern Canada currently holds⁤ the ​title of oldest known rock on Earth ⁣(SN: ‌4/15/17, p.⁣ 8). In Western⁢ Australia, scientists have⁤ found zircon crystals⁤ in ⁤bedrock that are even older, dating to about 4.4‌ billion years ago. For ‌comparison,⁣ Earth is⁤ only about 4.5 billion years old.
Since these ancient​ materials preserve information about‌ early Earth, they have⁤ fueled​ ongoing debates about when ‌and how ⁤Earth’s crust formed, when plate tectonics started and even when life on the planet first arose​ (SN: ‍2/23/14; SN:⁣ 5/2/22;​ SN: 10/19/15). Additional clues that ​could help⁢ resolve the debates might lie on the moon. Lunar ‍samples collected‍ by Apollo 14 ​astronauts contain 4-billion-year-old zircons that may ⁣have been⁣ delivered via an Earth meteor, scientists reported in 2019.

2023-07-31⁣ 06:00:00⁤
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