Scientists Attempt to Assess Wildlife Status by Listening

Scientists Attempt to Assess Wildlife Status by Listening

An AI-assisted computer model was able to pick out bird calls ‌from recordings made in Ecuador’s Choco region

A reedy pipe and a high-pitched trill duet⁣ against the backdrop of a low-pitched insect drone. Their symphony is the sound ​of a forest, and ‌is monitored by scientists to gauge biodiversity.

The recording from the forest in ⁤Ecuador is part of new⁤ research ‌looking at how artificial intelligence could ‌track animal life in recovering habitats.

When scientists⁢ want to measure reforestation, they can survey large tracts of land with tools like satellite and lidar.

But ‌determining how fast and abundantly wildlife is returning to an area presents ​a more difficult‍ challenge — sometimes⁣ requiring an​ expert to sift ​through sound recordings and pick out animal⁤ calls.

Jorg Muller, a professor⁢ and field ornithologist at ​University of⁣ Wurzburg‍ Biocenter, wondered if there was a different way.

“I saw the gap ‍that we need, particularly ⁣in ​the tropics, better ‍methods to quantify ‍the⁤ huge diversity… to improve conservation actions,” he told ‍AFP.

He turned to bioacoustics, which‍ uses sound to learn more about animal life and ⁢habitats.

It is a long-standing research tool, but more recently is being paired with computer learning to ⁤process large amounts of​ data more quickly.

Muller and his team recorded audio ‌at sites in Ecuador’s Choco region ranging from‌ recently abandoned ​cacao plantations and pastures, to ​agricultural ⁢land recovering from use,‌ to old-growth forests.

They first had experts listen to the recordings and‍ pick out ‍birds, mammals and amphibians.

Then, they carried out an⁣ acoustic ⁤index analysis, which gives‌ a measure of biodiversity based on broad metrics from a soundscape, like volume and frequency of noises.

Finally, they ran two weeks of recordings through an⁤ AI-assisted computer programme‌ trained to ⁣distinguish 75 bird⁣ calls.

The‌ programme was able to pick out the calls on which it ⁢was trained in a consistent way, but could it correctly identify the relative biodiversity of each location?

To check this, ⁤the team used two baselines: one from the experts who listened to the audio recordings, and‍ a second based⁤ on insect samples from each ‌location, which offer a proxy for biodiversity.

While the library of available⁢ sounds‌ to⁤ train⁣ the AI model‍ meant it could only ⁢identify a quarter of the bird calls the experts could, it was still able to correctly gauge biodiversity levels in each​ location, the study ⁢said.

“Our results show that soundscape ⁣analysis is a powerful ⁤tool to⁤ monitor the recovery of⁣ faunal communities in hyperdiverse tropical forest,” said the research ‍published Tuesday in the ⁣journal Nature Communications.

“Soundscape diversity can be quantified in‌ a cost-effective⁣ and robust way across the full gradient from active agriculture, to recovering and old-growth forests,” it added.

There are still shortcomings, including a paucity of animal sounds⁢ on which ⁣to ⁢train AI models.

And the‌ approach can only capture species that announce ⁣their ‍presence.

“Of course (there is) no information on plants or silent animals. However, birds and amphibians are very sensitive ⁤to ecological integrity, they are ‍a very⁢ good ⁤surrogate,” Muller told AFP.

He believes the ⁤tool could become increasingly useful given the current push for “biodiversity credits” — a​ way of⁣ monetising the⁤ protection of animals in ​their natural habitat.

“Being able to directly ⁢quantify biodiversity, rather than relying on proxies such ⁢as growing ⁣trees, encourages​ and allows external assessment of conservation actions, and promotes transparency,” the study said.

The tool has some limitations, including the relatively ⁤few bird calls available with which to train the⁢ computer ⁣model

Artificial intelligence

2023-11-06 06:41:02
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