Saudi Arabia’s Strategic Decision to Strengthen Technological Collaboration with China via Hong Kong

Saudi Arabia’s Strategic Decision to Strengthen Technological Collaboration with China via Hong Kong

Saudi wants to ​deepen its technological ⁢ties ‌with China⁤ through Hong ​Kong, and it⁤ sets ⁣the⁣ tone ⁤for an⁣ alliance that ⁢may‍ benefit ​even‍ the countries’ political‍ grip ⁤in ⁢the ⁢long run.⁣ In⁢ photo: ‍a ‌man fist bumps ‌a robotic hand.


Riyadh ​would like ‍to ⁣build‍ an ‍”entrepreneurial bridge”⁤ between ⁤the 2 nations: Minister Abdullah⁤ Alswaha

Any​ relationship ⁣that ⁣allows Beijing to ‍deploy⁢ its tech‌ to more‍ parts‌ of‌ the world is‌ a ‍win for China: ​Atlantic Council’s ‍Thammy ‌Evans

Calls ‍it a‍ ‘smart move’⁤ by Beijing and ‍Riyadh

Says the‌ partnership​ may‌ help Beijing ‘set ​norms’ ⁢for ‍in a changing world

Saudi Arabia is ​seeking‍ deeper technology ties‍ with⁢ China⁤ through ⁤its​ strengthened ⁣relations with⁣ Hong‌ Kong,‍ the​ kingdom’s Minister‍ of‍ Communications ‍and Information Technology, Abdullah‌ bin Amer Alswaha ​said during‍ his ‌weekend ⁤trip ​to Hong​ Kong.

China⁣ recently⁣ helped broker a diplomatic agreement between​ Saudi​ Arabia‌ and ‍Iran, traditional ⁤foes⁤ and ⁢important powers in the Middle⁤ East, ⁣lowering tensions in the ⁢region. ⁣The ⁣United​ States, the traditional ​ally of⁤ Saudi Arabia and UAE, ⁣and Iran’s foe, was​ left to watch from⁢ the ‍sidelines while ‌the deal ⁢was ⁤stitched ⁤together. The deal helped‌ deepen‍ China’s​ relationship​ with the oil-producing gulf‍ countries⁢ who have‌ felt ‍the‌ United States⁤ was lowering its ⁣level ⁤of engagement⁤ in ‍the ⁢region.

In an​ interview with ⁣the⁣ South China ⁤Morning Post, Alswaha said Saudi Arabia⁤ was looking ⁣forward ​to cooperating ‍with⁣ Hong Kong⁣ as both‍ countries are “going through a very​ promising ⁤transformational ​story.” He⁤ said⁣ there was ⁣an⁤ opportunity ‍”to⁣ build‌ an ​innovation​ bridge to ‌leap⁢ farther ‍into the‌ future with ⁤an‍ innovation-based ⁢economy.”

Saudi Crown Prince⁢ Mohammed bin ‍Salman, known as ⁣MBS,‍ has outlined an ambitious plan⁤ to turn ‌a⁢ desert area ​in⁣ the country ⁤into a‍ futuristic city called Neom. China⁣ is ​seen‍ as⁤ a​ critical⁣ partner ‌for‍ Riyadh ‌in‌ its⁢ Vision 2030 agenda,‍ which‌ includes⁢ the $500⁣ billion Neom project.

Robots, ⁣flying‍ taxis, ​holographic⁢ teachers and artificial clouds,⁤ all​ just 1,000 km​ away⁣ from ⁤Mecca.

Here’s ‍a ‌look at ‌the ⁤futuristic megacity ⁣known​ as ⁢“NEOM” ⁤

—‌ TRT ‍World (@trtworld) February ⁢28, ​2021

A ​tech‌ partnership⁤ between ⁤Beijing and ⁤Riyadh​ gives them⁤ freedom‌ to ‍tap‍ into​ each⁢ other’s ⁤economic and technological strengths,⁣ without having⁢ to worry ‌about⁣ criticism‌ from‌ the ⁤West ‍over⁣ democracy ⁣and human⁢ rights.

The U.S. has, with⁣ help from its western allies, tried‍ to limit ⁣China’s⁣ access⁢ to ‌advanced technologies like‌ those used ​for​ certain kinds of‌ chips,⁢ angering⁢ Beijing and prompting accusations‌ that Washinton⁣ was ​trying to ⁣contain⁢ China’s​ rise.⁣ In ⁢what‌ is ​seen as a ‍tit-for-tat,China recently imposed buying limits ​on⁢ American ⁣chip ⁤manufacturer Micron’s‌ products,⁢ saing ⁢they pose a ​”major ⁤security ⁤risk” to⁢ China’s‍ national ​security.

Washington’s⁣ relations ​with ​Saudi​ Arabia and‍ the ⁣UAE have‌ also ⁢cooled ‌down ​significantly in​ recent ⁢years.​ The‍ two​ have ignored U.S. efforts ‌to isolate Russia for its⁢ invasion ‍of Ukraine‍ and ⁤continued to trade ​with ‌Kremlin, even allowing ⁣affluent‍ Russians⁣ to⁤ invest⁢ in their ⁤economies.

Thammy‌ Evans, ⁢a senior fellow with think⁣ tank ⁣Atlantic Council’s‌ GeoTech Center,⁣ told ⁤International Business‍ Times‌ via ‌email‌ that‍ a tech alliance was⁤ “a ⁢smart⁣ move” by Beijing ‌and Riyadh. “There is every likelihood that this new ⁤relationship ‘Hong Kong⁢ x ⁣Saudi Arabia’ ​will‍ prosper,” ​she said,‌ adding⁣ “Saudi ⁤has the⁢ sun for ⁣solar ⁤power ⁢and⁢ China⁢ has the ‌technology.”

“They’ll‍ win ⁣not ⁢only in terms of ‌tech‌ and⁣ talent ‍transfer, but politically ​they⁣ may ‍be‌ able ‍to ‌set a‍ partnership‌ for ‌resolving hitherto intractable ⁣global problems and ⁢setting⁤ norms in ⁣a rapidly‌ changing and challenged ​world,”‍ she‌ said.

Evans ‍noted⁢ that areas⁢ like space, sustainable⁣ smart cities, and⁣ probably ‌how‍ the ⁣two nations⁣ will ‌tackle water‍ access ⁤problems ‍are⁤ going⁤ to ⁤be key‌ in⁢ the⁤ partnership.

Minister‌ Alswaha said⁣ Saudi‌ would‍ like ⁤to ⁤replicate Hong ‌Kong’s ‍success ⁤in tech entrepreneurship⁢ and ⁣venture ‍capital​ funding for tech ‌startups, then⁤ “build an‍ entrepreneurial ‍bridge between ⁢the two​ nations.”

Evans‌ pointed ‍out that China ‌doesn’t⁢ necessarily need ‍to become ⁣the world’s technology leader ‍for ⁣it to​ establish⁤ global ‌tech‌ dominance. It ‍only needs a certain⁣ presence ⁢in countries and for ‌its tech ⁤to ‍be adopted by⁢ “majority ‍of​ the world”⁢ so​ it⁢ can ⁢lead ​the⁢ market, set its ⁣own ⁣rules​ and ⁤”sway ⁤trade ‍decisions”‍ on⁣ the⁢ global ​stage.

“Any​ relationship for⁢ China ‍which allows it to deploy ⁣its tech⁤ to ‍more⁣ parts of the ⁤world​ is‍ a win ‌for China and‍ Saudi’s ambitions ⁤and ability to⁤ finance‌ them‌ will ⁤allow ‍China the proving ground⁢ it⁣ needs to progress its⁣ tech ⁣development.”

But ⁤she also⁢ warned that the⁤ two countries could​ lose because ⁣of‍ their ⁣”inability ‌under‌ their current governance models ⁤to deal⁣ with ⁢the rising⁤ expectations‌ of ​their populations.”

2023-07-18 13:00:04
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