RNA hairpins downstream discovered to coordinate mRNA translation

RNA hairpins downstream discovered to coordinate mRNA translation

Research led by Duke ⁣University,⁣ Durham, has⁤ discovered a situation-dependent traffic jam in mRNA translation caused by RNA hairpins ⁣leading​ to higher translation of upstream start codons (uAUGs).

In a paper, “Pervasive downstream RNA hairpins dynamically dictate start-codon selection,” published ⁢in Nature, the⁢ team describes their findings ⁢of a translational regulation mechanism‍ in the plant Arabidopsis⁤ and consequent discovery of a similar mechanism in humans.⁢ A News & Views piece in the same‍ journal⁢ issue discussed the work done⁢ by the team.

Any genome is constructed with instructions that⁣ inform when to ‍start and stop the transcription of RNA‌ segments. These segments can contain multiple ⁢start codons, which can then ‍be‌ selectively​ used as ‌beginning points for the ribosome to ⁤start translating them into proteins. The current study has identified a mechanism by which the‍ selection process between potential starting ‌points takes place.

Ribosomal subunits assemble on an mRNA molecule ​and scan it for the AUG​ start ⁤codon⁤ to initiate protein ‌synthesis. Sometimes, the first start codon encountered is used as initiation, and ⁤sometimes, it ⁣is not⁢ recognized. If it is not recognized, the scanning ⁤continues‌ down the mRNA,‍ where it ⁤may find an alternative starting point or a more⁤ easily recognized ⁢starting point ‍(the main AUG).

The study discovered⁤ that if​ the mRNA ⁤has‌ a‍ hairpin loop​ located between two starting codons, the scanning process will be ⁤slowed ⁤down, providing more time for recognition of the upstream start codon ​(uAUG), ‍leading to a higher translation⁢ rate from this starting point.

2023-09-09 ⁤00:48:02
Article ‍from⁣ phys.org

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