Apple is set to release its latest gadget, the Vision Pro, an augmented-reality (AR) headset, on February 2nd. Despite some early complaints about headaches and a two-hour battery life, the device has already received around 200,000 pre-orders, which is about 40% of what Apple had expected to sell this year. The price tag of $3,499 may deter some potential buyers, but Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, has described trying the Vision Pro as an “aha moment”.
The Vision Pro is part of a larger trend in personal technology. Other recent releases include smart glasses by Meta and Ray-Ban, a brooch by Humane, and the r1 voice-controlled gizmo by Rabbit. These devices all share the common feature of doing away with screens, keyboards, and mice, and instead rely on voice, gesture, or image control. This shift is made possible by advances in artificial intelligence (AI), enabling new “form factors” for gadgets in different shapes and sizes.
2024-01-31 16:38:29
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