Reported Killing of Sudanese Civilians in Darfur Conflict

Reported Killing of Sudanese Civilians in Darfur Conflict

At‌ least 16 civilians have⁢ reportedly​ been killed in an exchange of⁤ rocket ​fire between ⁤Sudan’s⁤ army and ​the paramilitary ‍Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in ‌the ​war-torn‍ Darfur region, which​ has seen some of‍ the worst violence since ‌fighting ⁣began​ in⁢ mid-April.

On Saturday,⁤ a local ⁣lawyers’⁣ union⁣ said​ it happened ⁣in⁤ the city of ‌Nyala, the capital of ‌the state of ‍South ⁢Darfur.

The Darfur ⁣Bar​ Association​ said that⁢ the fighting led​ to the ‍killing ‌of 16 civilians,‍ including⁤ an entire⁤ family, ‌which ‍lost ⁢all ‍of ‌its ⁣members with‍ the exception of one, ⁣who sustained injuries.

There were⁣ also reports of ‌snipers targeting people ‌in ​West Darfur, including ‌its capital ‍of ‍el-Geneina, near Chad, ⁣and tens ⁣of thousands​ of residents have ⁤fled⁣ across ⁢the border.

At ​least one man was killed by a⁤ sniper, the⁢ Darfur ​Bar ‌Association ⁢added.

“Thousands of ⁤people ​continue​ to flee⁢ from ⁤the region of ⁤West Darfur and⁣ try ⁤to make it to​ the​ border into⁢ neighbouring Chad.⁤ That’s in ⁤West ​Darfur where⁤ we’ve ​seen‌ a⁣ high increase in violence‌ with refugees ⁣who⁤ arrived in ‌Chad,‌ saying ‍that they’ve been targeted by​ militias allied with the⁣ RSF based on ⁤their ‍ethnicities,” said‍ Al Jazeera’s Hiba Morgan, reporting ⁣from⁣ Khartoum.

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