Rediscovering my love for gaming was as simple as playing Fire Emblem Engage on the easiest mode. Initially, I adhered to the belief that the only way to play was in Classic mode with permanent death, a notion instilled in me by a friend back in 2010. This led me to painstakingly restart battles to avoid losing any characters, a practice that eventually became overwhelming. With life’s challenges taking precedence in recent years, my gaming habits dwindled, despite my collection of untouched titles like Persona 5: Royal and Fire Emblem Engage.
Although I had the urge to dive into Engage since receiving my copy, the daunting task of optimizing unit classes and grinding for stats deterred me. However, after finally giving it a chance, I found myself immersed in the gameplay, enjoying the experience without the pressure of constant restarts.
2024-04-27 07:00:10
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