Reddit CEO expresses frustration towards protests, moderators, and third-party apps

Reddit CEO expresses frustration towards protests, moderators, and third-party apps

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Reddit CEO Lashes Out Against Protests, Moderators, and Third-Party Apps

Protests and Criticism

In the wake of nationwide protests following the death of George Floyd, Reddit CEO Steve Huffman spoke out against moderators who were shutting down parts of the site in protest. Huffman stated that he supported the Black Lives Matter movement, but criticized the moderators, saying “It’s clear that some of these moderators just want to make a splash and work their way up the corporate ladder.”

Reddit users were quick to criticize Huffman’s comments, with many accusing him of being out of touch with the site’s user base. Some users even called for his resignation.

Moderator Controversies

The controversy surrounding moderators is not new to Reddit. In the past, moderators have been accused of censoring content, abuse of power, and even accepting bribes. Additionally, some have criticized the lack of transparency and accountability from the site’s administration.

Huffman attempted to address these concerns in 2018 by implementing new policies aimed at preventing moderators from abusing their power. However, his recent comments suggest that the issue is far from resolved.

Third-Party App Ban

In addition to the moderator controversy, Huffman also recently announced a ban on third-party apps that use Reddit’s API. This move has been met with frustration from developers and users alike, who argue that these apps provide a better user experience than Reddit’s official app.

Huffman defended the ban, stating that third-party apps have been a source of security concerns and abuse. However, many users believe that the real reason for the ban is to drive more traffic to the official app and increase revenue for the company.


In conclusion, Reddit’s CEO Steve Huffman has come under fire for his response to protests, ongoing moderator controversies, and the recent ban on third-party apps. While he has attempted to address these issues in the past, his recent comments have done little to quell the concerns of Reddit’s user base. As the site continues to grow and evolve, it remains to be seen whether Huffman and the administration will be able to address these concerns in a way that satisfies everyone involved. rnrn

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