Record Precision: ATLAS Gauges the Strength of the Strong Force

Record Precision: ATLAS Gauges the Strength of the Strong Force

Binding together quarks into protons, neutrons and atomic nuclei is a force so strong, it’s in the name. The strong force, which is carried by gluon particles, is the ‍strongest​ of all fundamental forces of nature—the others‍ being electromagnetism, the weak force and gravity. ⁢Yet, ​it’s the least precisely​ measured of these four forces.

In ‍a paper just⁢ submitted to Nature Physics and currently available on the ​arXiv⁢ preprint server, ⁤the⁢ ATLAS ​collaboration describes how it has​ used the⁢ Z boson, the electrically neutral carrier of the weak force, to determine the strength of ​the strong force with an unprecedented uncertainty of below 1%.

The⁢ strength of the strong force ⁣is⁤ described by a fundamental parameter in the Standard Model of particle physics⁤ called the strong coupling constant. While knowledge of the⁤ strong⁢ coupling constant ‌has improved with measurements​ and theoretical developments made over the years, the uncertainty on its value remains orders ​of magnitude larger than that of the‍ coupling constants for the other fundamental forces.

A more precise measurement of the strong coupling constant is required to ⁢improve​ the precision​ of theoretical calculations of particle processes that ⁤involve the strong force. It is also needed to address⁢ important ⁤unanswered questions about nature. Could all of the​ fundamental forces be of equal‌ strength at ⁤very high energy, indicating a potential common origin? Could new, unknown‌ interactions be ‍modifying ⁣the strong force in certain processes⁣ or at certain energies?

In its new study‌ of the strong coupling constant, the ATLAS collaboration⁣ investigated Z bosons produced in proton–proton collisions ⁢at CERN’s Large Hadron⁢ Collider (LHC) at a collision energy of 8 TeV. Z bosons are typically ⁤produced when two quarks in the colliding protons annihilate. In this ⁢weak-interaction‍ process, the strong force comes into play through the radiation of gluons off ⁣the annihilating quarks.

2023-09-25 08:24:02
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