Reclaiming Roads from American Car Culture: Exploring the Potential of ‘Vision Zero’

Reclaiming Roads from American Car Culture: Exploring the Potential of ‘Vision Zero’

Despite ‍decades of focusing our national infrastructure ‍on⁣ personal ⁣vehicles (often at the⁣ direct exclusion and expense⁤ of other modes of transport), modern folks gets around on far more than planes, trains ⁢and automobiles these days. ⁣With our city streets and suburban neighborhoods increasingly populated by an ever-widening variety of‌ vehicle — from e-scooters to city bikes, to autonomous EV taxis and internal combustion ​SUVs.‌ The task of accommodating ​these ⁣competing priorities ensuring that everybody in​ town, regardless of physical or financial ability, can get where they’re going is​ growing‍ ever more challenging. 

Inclusive Transportation: A Manifesto for ​Divided⁢ Communities, by civil engineer Veronica ‍O Davis, highlights⁣ the many failings (both ⁢procedural and structural) ‍of America’s transportation infrastructure and calls on city planners ⁣to reexamine how ‍their public works projects actually affect the people they are intended‌ to serve. Davis deftly agues in favor of a…

2023-07-23 ‌09:30:43
Article from rnrn

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