Re-Logic, the developer of Terraria, donates $100,000 to support two open-source game engines amidst the Unity controversy.

Re-Logic, the developer of Terraria, donates 0,000 to support two open-source game engines amidst the Unity controversy.

Unity’s decision‌ to start charging fees each ‍time a title using ‍its game engine is installed was understandably met with furor and talks⁣ of class action lawsuits. In response to the bomb Unity dropped, Terraria⁣ developer Re-Logic‌ has stepped in⁣ to promote and support alternative open-source ‌game engines that ‍developers can use instead. In a post ‌on X,​ the⁢ website formerly‌ known as Twitter, Re-Logic ⁤called Unity’s move “predatory” and “unequivocally condemn[ed]” the⁤ fee changes proposed, as well⁤ as the ⁣”underhanded way⁤ they were rolled out.”

“The flippant manner ‌with which years of⁤ trust cultivated by Unity‌ were cast aside for ⁢yet another ⁤way to ⁣squeeze publishers,⁤ studios and gamers‌ is ‍the saddest part,” the developer continued. Re-Logic said ⁣that a simple public statement wasn’t sufficient, so it’s donating ​$100,000 each to the open-source game engines Godot and FNA.⁣ It⁣ will also continue supporting both projects by giving them $1,000 each every month going forward. 

2023-09-20 00:43:07
Post from rnrn

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