Quantum ‘Squeezing’ Enhances LIGO’s Gravitational Wave Detection

Quantum ‘Squeezing’ Enhances LIGO’s Gravitational Wave Detection

Improving gravitational ​wave observatories by putting⁢ the squeeze on light.
According to researchers in an upcoming issue ⁣of Physical⁢ Review X, this upgrade will allow LIGO to detect up to 65 ⁢percent more⁣ collisions between massive objects like black​ holes and neutron stars compared ⁤to without the upgrade.
LIGO⁣ researchers rely on laser ⁢light that moves in a detector between mirrors placed four ⁤kilometers apart to search for gravitational waves. ​However, light is subject to a version of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which means that the more you know about⁢ the intensity of a light signal, ​the ‍less you know about ⁤its frequency. This limitation affects researchers’ ⁢ability‌ to spot⁤ gravitational waves.
In 2019, LIGO scientists turned to quantum “squeezing” to address this issue. Quantum squeezing reduces uncertainty in the laser’s frequency and increases uncertainty in its intensity,​ allowing researchers to increase the laser’s⁤ power and improve LIGO’s ability to​ detect waves of higher frequencies. However, further increasing⁤ the power would have ⁢made ⁣it⁤ more ⁢difficult to measure ‍lower-frequency waves due ⁤to the addition of a ​low-frequency rumble ‌to the signal.

2023-10-26 07:00:00
Article from www.sciencenews.org

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