Quantum Computer Utilized by Researchers to Identify Promising Molecule for Enhanced Solar Cell Development

Quantum Computer Utilized by Researchers to Identify Promising Molecule for Enhanced Solar Cell Development

Using the‌ full capabilities of the Quantinuum H1-1 quantum⁢ computer, researchers from the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory not only demonstrated best​ practices for scientific computing ‌on current quantum systems but also ‍produced an intriguing scientific result.

By modeling​ singlet fission—in which absorption of a single photon of light by a molecule produces two ⁤excited states—the ‍team ​confirmed that the ⁤linear H4 molecule’s energetic ‍levels ⁣match ​the fission ⁣process’s requirements. The linear H4 molecule is, simply, a molecule‌ made of four hydrogen atoms ‍arranged ⁤in a linear fashion.

A molecule’s energetic levels‌ are the ⁤energies of each quantum state involved in‌ a phenomenon, such as ‍singlet fission, and how ​they relate and compare with one another. The fact that the⁣ linear ‌molecule’s energetic levels are conducive⁤ to singlet ​fission could prove to​ be‍ useful knowledge in the overall effort⁣ to develop more efficient solar panels.

“This is one of the leading motivating factors behind ‍singlet fission—conventional ​solar cells have a theoretical maximum efficiency‌ of about 33%, but it has been​ postulated that materials ⁤that exhibit singlet ⁣fission can break that limit and can be more efficient,” ‌said Daniel⁤ Claudino, a research ⁢scientist in ORNL’s Quantum Computational Science group and ‌the project’s principal investigator. “The downside is that to understand fundamentally whether ​a certain material exhibits singlet fission ⁣is very hard. There is a specific⁣ energetic requirement, and⁤ it’s difficult to find materials that fulfill it.”

With its⁢ high accuracy for a manageable computational ⁤cost, the ORNL team’s‍ approach⁣ to​ using a quantum computer ⁢provides an ​effective simulation method to identify molecules that demonstrate singlet‌ fission‍ properties while bypassing ‍approximations commonly⁢ found in techniques used for​ classical computers.‍ The results of its work ​were published in The Journal ‌of​ Physical ⁢Chemistry ‌Letters.

2023-07-28 18:48:02
Article from phys.org

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