Quantum Computer Quality Control Tests Devised by Physicists

Quantum Computer Quality Control Tests Devised by Physicists

Quantum technologies—and quantum computers in particular—have the potential to shape the‍ development of technology in ‌the future. Scientists believe that quantum computers will help them​ solve problems that even the fastest ‌supercomputers are unable to handle yet. Large ⁣international​ IT companies and countries like⁢ the United ⁢States and China have been making significant investments in the development ⁣of ‍this technology. But ⁤because quantum computers are based on different laws of physics than conventional computers, laptops,⁢ and smartphones,⁣ they are more susceptible to malfunction.

An interdisciplinary research team led ​by Professor Jens Eisert, a⁢ physicist⁣ at ⁣Freie Universität⁢ Berlin, has now ​found ways of testing the quality ​of quantum computers. Their study⁣ on the subject was recently published in the scientific journal Nature ‍Communications. ⁤These scientific quality​ control tests incorporate methods from physics, computer science, and mathematics.

Quantum physicist at Freie Universität Berlin and author of the study, Professor Jens Eisert, explains‌ the science ⁢behind the research. “Quantum computers work on the basis of quantum mechanical laws of physics, in which individual atoms or⁤ ions are used as computational units—or ‍to ​put it another ​way—controlled, minuscule physical systems. What is extraordinary about these ⁣computers ⁤of the future is that at this level, nature functions extremely and radically differently from our everyday⁢ experience ⁣of the ​world ⁢and how‍ we know and perceive it.”

But quantum computers have one major ⁢weakness: “They are hyper sensitive when it comes to sources of interference. If a quantum computer is not sufficiently shielded from its environment,​ then the properties ‍responsible for ‍its computational power disappear. ⁢The ‘quantum advantages,’ as we ⁢call them, tend to ‌dissipate. In other words, it just won’t work,” he ⁣adds.

This ​conundrum ‍poses an important question for researchers: ‌How can you even know whether a quantum circuit​ has worked properly? Just like tests to ⁣prove a vehicle is roadworthy and safe to⁤ drive, processes that ‌put the quality of quantum circuits‌ to the test are​ needed.⁢ “Without‍ these methods you’ll get‍ results through quantum computing,‍ but you‌ won’t know how reliable they really are,” Eisert‍ says.

2023-08-29 08:48:02
Post from‌ phys.org rnrn

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