Quantifying the Dark Matter Halos Surrounding Prehistoric Quasars

Quantifying the Dark Matter Halos Surrounding Prehistoric Quasars

At the center of every galaxy is a supermassive black hole. Beyond a certain size, these become ​active,​ emitting huge amounts of radiation, and are then called ​quasars. It is ⁤thought these⁤ are activated by the presence of⁣ massive dark matter halos (DMH)​ surrounding the galaxy, directing matter towards the center, feeding the black hole.

A team ‌including researchers from⁤ the University of Tokyo have, for the first time, surveyed hundreds of ancient quasars and found this behavior is very consistent throughout history. This is surprising, as‌ many large-scale‍ processes show variation throughout ⁢the life of the ​universe, so the⁤ mechanism of quasar activation could have implications for the ‌evolution of the entire universe. Their ‌research is published ⁣in The Astrophysical ⁣Journal.

Measuring⁢ the⁢ mass of DMHs ⁣is not easy; it’s famously a very ⁢elusive ⁣substance, if ⁣substance is even⁣ the right word to use, given the actual nature of dark matter is unknown. ⁢We only know it exists at all due to its gravitational impact on large⁤ structures such as galaxies.⁢ Thus, dark matter can only be ‌measured by making observations about ⁣its gravitational effects on things. ⁤This includes the way ‍it might pull on something or affect its movement, or through the lensing (bending of light) of objects behind ‌a suspected area of dark ⁤matter.

The challenge becomes greater at large distances, given how weak the light from more distant,‍ and therefore⁢ ancient, phenomena can be. But this ⁤did not stop Professor Nobunari Kashikawa from the Department ‍of Astronomy,‌ and ⁣his team, from trying to answer a long-standing question in⁤ astronomy: How are black holes born, and how do they grow?

The researchers are especially keen to explore this in relation to supermassive black ‌holes, the largest kind, which‍ exist in the heart of every galaxy. These would be‌ very difficult to study were‌ it not for the fact that some grow so massive they‌ begin to output incredibly​ powerful jets of ‌matter or spheres of radiation that⁢ in either case become⁢ what we call quasars. These are⁣ so ⁢powerful that ‍even at ‍large distances, we can now observe them⁤ using modern techniques.

2023-09-12 09:24:02
Link from phys.org rnrn

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