Pyxis: The Stellar Constellation

Pyxis: The Stellar Constellation

Constellation Pyxis

Pyxis Constellation

The constellation Pyxis is a small and inconspicuous constellation located in the southern celestial hemisphere. Its name means “compass” in Latin, referring to the navigational instrument used to measure direction and angles. Pyxis was first introduced as a constellation by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille, a French astronomer, in the 18th century.

Pyxis does not contain any notable stars or deep-sky objects. It is often overlooked due to its small size and lack of bright stars. The constellation can be found near other prominent constellations such as Hydra, Vela, and Puppis.

Despite being relatively faint, Pyxis holds historical significance as it represents an essential tool used by early navigators. The stars in this constellation may not stand out individually, but they contribute to the larger celestial tapestry that has guided many civilizations throughout history.

Observing Pyxis

Pyxis is best observed from the southern hemisphere, as it is not visible from latitudes above approximately 53 degrees north. The best time to view Pyxis is during the months of February and March when it reaches its highest point in the night sky. It can be observed using a small telescope or binoculars under dark skies.

The Mythological Connection

In Greek mythology, there is no specific tale associated with Pyxis. The constellation is believed to represent a compass due to its name and its position next to the constellation Argo Navis, which represents the ship of Argonauts. This connection reinforces the navigational theme of Pyxis, symbolizing the tools used by ancient sailors.


While not the most prominent or well-known constellation, Pyxis carries fascinating historical and navigational significance. Its association with the compass serves as a reminder of humanity’s need to explore and navigate the vast unknown. Next time you look up at the night sky, take a moment to appreciate this unassuming constellation and the stories it has silently guided throughout history.

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