Puppis Constellation

Puppis Constellation

Constellation Puppis – The Mighty Stern

Constellation Puppis, also known as the stern, is one of the largest constellations located in the southern celestial hemisphere. It is a fascinating constellation that is home to some of the most unique celestial objects in the universe.

Location and History

Puppis was first introduced by the French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the 18th century. It is located right below the constellation Canis Major and is situated among the constellations Carina and Vela. It is visible from all latitudes in the southern hemisphere, but its visibility varies depending on the time of the year.

Notable features

NGC 2440

NGC 2440 is a planetary nebula located in Puppis. It is known for its irregular shape and unique complexities caused by the death of a star. The nebula is situated approximately 4000 light-years away from the earth, and its diameter is about a light-year.

Kappa Velorum

Kappa Velorum is a massive triple-star system located in Puppis. It consists of two blue supergiants and a white dwarf. At the center of the system, the two supergiants orbit each other, while the white dwarf orbits them both.

Open Star Clusters

Puppis has several open star clusters that are beautiful and mesmerizing to observe. NGC 2451A and NGC 2451B are two of the well-known star clusters that are located in the constellation.

Observing Puppis

Puppis is visible from the Southern Hemisphere throughout the year. In the Southern Hemisphere, the best time to observe constellation Puppis is in the summer months, between December and February. To enjoy the constellation’s beauty and uniqueness, it is necessary to have a dark sky environment and a good telescope.


Constellation Puppis, also known as the mighty stern, is a fascinating constellation located in the southern hemisphere. It is home to some of the most unique celestial objects in the universe, including NGC 2440, Kappa Velorum, and open star clusters. Observing this constellation during the summer months of the Southern Hemisphere provides an unforgettable experience.

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