Prime Minister defends stage-three tax cut changes as beneficial for all Australians

Prime Minister defends stage-three tax cut changes as beneficial for all Australians

Lidia Thorpe accuses Senate ​chair ⁣of being ‘asleep’ amid‌ Senate chaos

Albanese: tax cut changes ‘not an easy decision’‌ but ‘the​ right ‍decision’

Victorians⁣ warned⁢ to evacuate ⁣as bushfire worsens

Albanese⁣ attacks Coalition for not embracing tax cuts

Human Rights Watch says Australia must push Phillipines president on human ⁢rights issues

Katter and Wilkie cosplay as pigs to bring attention‌ to supermarket bill (it‍ is working)

At​ the same time all of that was ⁣happening in the senate, this is what was going ‌on in ​the Blue Room (the second most fancy government press conference room after the PM’s courtyard):

Senate session ends⁣ in chaos

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