Pressure Mounts on Apple in India Following Warnings of State-Sponsored Hacking

Pressure Mounts on Apple in India Following Warnings of State-Sponsored Hacking

Indian ⁣authorities ‍allied with Prime Minister Narendra Modi‌ have raised concerns about the accuracy of Apple’s internal threat algorithms and are currently investigating the security of its devices, ⁢as reported by ⁤The Washington Post. The government ​officials targeted Apple after the company issued ‌warnings to journalists and opposition politicians in October, suggesting that their devices may have been infiltrated ⁤by state-sponsored ‍hackers. While the public is questioning Apple’s security measures, the Post reveals that government ⁣officials were more direct about⁢ their intentions in private discussions.

According to reports, the officials contacted Apple representatives in India to exert‍ pressure on the company to find a way to mitigate the political impact of its hacking warnings. They⁢ also⁣ consulted an Apple security expert to come up with alternative explanations for ⁤the ‍warnings that could be communicated to the public, preferably without implicating the government as the potential perpetrator.

The journalists and politicians who…

2023-12-28⁢ 02:30:36
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