Preparing Astronauts for the Installation of Roll-Out Solar Arrays

Preparing Astronauts for the Installation of Roll-Out Solar Arrays

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How are the astronauts preparing for the solar array installation job?

A team of astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) is preparing for a critical repair job: the installation of a new roll-out solar array on the station’s exterior. This installation is vital for the ISS to generate enough power to support the research being carried out on board.

The Solar Array Installation Job

The installation of a new pair of solar arrays on the ISS dates back to 2017 when NASA contracted Boeing to manufacture the new arrays. The new arrays are designed to be more efficient than their predecessors, with a higher wattage output per panel. The installation of these new arrays involves a complex process that requires careful planning and execution.

The astronaut team will begin the installation process by using the space station’s robotic arm to remove the first solar array from storage. Once detached, the team will roll it out like a giant carpet, unfolding it to its full length of 63 feet.

The next step will be to attach the array to a mounting bracket on the station’s exterior. This process involves a series of bolts and connectors that must be carefully aligned and tightened. Once secured in place, the new solar array will provide the ISS with the power it needs to continue carrying out its scientific research activities.

The Importance of the ISS

The ISS is one of the most important scientific and technological achievements in human history. The station’s advanced laboratory facilities offer scientists and researchers around the world a unique opportunity to carry out experiments in microgravity and learn about the effects of space on the human body.

However, none of this would be possible without the ISS’s power supply. The station relies on a complex system of solar arrays to generate the electricity needed to power its life support systems, laboratory equipment, and other critical systems.


The upcoming solar array installation job is a critical task for the astronauts on the ISS. This job will help ensure that the station can continue to function and carry out its vital research activities. The installation process will require skill and precision, and the team of astronauts is well-prepared for the task ahead.

The future of space exploration and scientific research relies on projects like the ISS. By continuing to push the boundaries of what is possible, we can learn more about ourselves and the universe around us.


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