Prepare for the Trillion-Cicada Invasion: Two Broods of Periodic Insects Converge in the US

Prepare for the Trillion-Cicada Invasion: Two Broods of Periodic Insects Converge in the US

Prepare for the Trillion-Cicada Invasion: Two Broods of Periodic Insects Converge in the US

Resembling cockroaches with bulging orange ‍eyes, trillions of large, ​translucent winged insects are ​about to⁤ emerge⁢ from ⁤the⁤ earth in ⁤the midwestern and eastern United States. The simultaneous appearance of two cicada broods, ⁤known as ⁢Brood XIX and Brood XII, is a rare event not seen since 1803.⁢ This ‍year ‍will see the emergence of Brood XIX, the largest of all periodical cicada groups, after a 13-year dormancy underground⁣ at the same time as Brood XII, a smaller group that​ appears every 17 years.​ The emergence will occur in spring, as early ‌as this month ​in some places, and will see trillions of cicadas pop up⁤ in as many as 16 states, ‌from Maryland to Oklahoma ⁤and from⁣ Illinois​ to‌ Alabama.

This phenomenon, which has been dubbed “cicada-geddon” or “cicada-palooza”, will see‍ huge clumps of cicadas across urban⁤ and rural areas, where⁣ the ⁢insects will make quite a noise – their songs collectively can be​ louder than a revving motorbike. After a frenzy⁣ of calling and mating and being devoured by predators, the cicadas will​ begin the cycle all over again in July.

The two broods may only overlap slightly in a small area of central Illinois, meaning there​ mostly won’t ‌be a larger-than-normal boom in numbers⁤ in any one place, but researchers have said the ‌emergence of all seven periodical species⁢ found in the US ⁣will ⁣be noticeable in ‌many places and provide ‌a rare glimpse⁢ of a grand ecological spectacle.

“I⁣ like to remind people that this is a natural wonder of the world. You just don’t see this biomass of terrestrial life anywhere else,” said Dana. There are several theories as⁣ to why cicadas do this, among the most popular being that an ‍overwhelming surge of the creatures ensures that​ a⁣ good ⁣number will survive predators to spawn the ⁢next ​generation.

Some Americans are planning trips​ in order to see‍ hotspots of cicadas, with other, more insect-phobic people ⁤wondering whether they should flee ⁤the onslaught. Cicadas ⁤aren’t harmful to people or pets‌ in any way, though,‍ with⁣ the insects having a straw-like⁤ mouth‍ rather than any​ sort of biting parts. Some cicadas have ‍been found to expel jets of urine when threatened, however.

As with most interactions between humans and the ⁤natural…

2024-04-07 05:00:05
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