Potential for a Shift: The Balance of Power in America’s Congress Hangs in the Balance

Potential for a Shift: The Balance of Power in America’s Congress Hangs in the Balance

There is a possibility that both chambers of America’s Congress may change hands in⁢ November. Americans will be electing 471 federal officials on November 5th, including members of the House of Representatives, senators, vice-president,‌ and president. The upcoming ‍rematch between President Joe ⁤Biden and Donald Trump is ​expected to be a significant event, with ⁣a projected $3bn in campaign spending. However, the⁣ real surprise may lie in the potential shift of control in both chambers of Congress after ​the election. The Senate seats contested this year are favorable for Republicans, while Democrats campaigning against the chaos of Republican leadership may manage to regain control of the House. This double flip would⁤ be a remarkable political feat, as it has never happened before.

2024-03-24 13:33:22
Original from www.economist.com

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