Pope to Defend Migrants’ Plight in Marseille Meeting with Macron

Pope to Defend Migrants’ Plight in Marseille Meeting with Macron

Pope Francis will travel to southern France on Friday ‍for a ⁣two-day visit⁢ in the port city of Marseille, where​ he is ⁤expected ⁣to meet with President Emmanuel Macron ‌and defend the plight of migrants attempting dangerous Mediterranean crossings to⁢ Europe.

Francis will attend the closing session⁢ of the Mediterranean Meetings, a⁢ weeklong gathering⁢ of about 70 bishops, youth activists and representatives of other religions from around the Mediterranean Sea,​ and he ‍has stressed repeatedly that his trip⁤ is not an official state visit.

“I will ⁢go ​to Marseille, but not to France,” Francis said in August. “There is a problem that concerns me, which is the Mediterranean.” He added that “the exploitation ⁤of migrants is⁢ criminal.”

Still, hot ‌on the heels of a state visit by King Charles III of‍ Britain, who was headed⁤ to Bordeaux on Friday, Mr. Macron has seized ⁢the opportunity for a‌ meeting with the pontiff.

Migration, Francis told⁢ thousands of faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square last week, “represents a challenge that is not easy, as we also see from the‌ news in recent⁣ days, but which must be faced together.”

Ms. de Gaulmyn said that “politicians love to be seen with the pope,” especially Mr. Macron, a political disrupter who has long been fascinated with Francis’ willingness to shake things up in the‌ church.

Meeting the pope, ⁢a⁤ moral authority on the issue of migration, “will ‍also help him⁢ lean⁢ leftward a bit,” Ms. de Gaulmyn⁣ said ⁤of Mr. Macron, a centrist whose ⁤original ‌pitch to voters‌ was that he transcended traditional political divisions but who often tilts right.

Shortly after his arrival in Marseille ​on Friday afternoon, Francis is expected to visit the Notre-Dame de la Garde Basilica, which overlooks the city. He will ⁢lead a prayer there, followed by an interfaith moment of‍ remembrance at a monument​ for⁢ sailors ⁢and ⁢migrants lost at sea.

Since 2014,‌ over 28,000 migrants trying to⁢ cross the Mediterranean to reach Europe have been recorded dead or missing, ⁤according⁤ to the International Organization for Migration, a United Nations agency. There have been nearly 180,000 ⁤sea arrivals in 2023 so far, according to the United Nations refugee agency.

Francis’ visit is important, Mr. Thomas said, because he is one of the few global ⁣leaders ⁣who has unequivocally defended the plight of migrants.

“He has always had a message of solidarity, of fraternity on this issue and on the Mediterranean tragedy,” he said.​ “We have to have the courage to say that we⁢ can’t let people drown⁤ at Europe’s doors.”

But immigration has become⁤ a political⁢ flashpoint for European governments, especially those facing strong far-right parties.

Gérald Darmanin, Mr. Macron’s interior minister, said ⁢this week that France would help manage the flow of migrants arriving in Lampedusa but would not take‍ in any. He said many were⁤ from countries like Senegal and Gambia and had no legitimate claims to asylum.

“We need to‌ fight illegal immigration in…

2023-09-22 ​01:53:17
Link from www.nytimes.com

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