Poll Shows Rishi Sunak’s Approval Rating Plummeting to Historic Lows as UK Politics Unfold Live

2 hours ‍ago, ⁣Penny Mordaunt stated ​that the government will not modify Commons procedure ‍to allow all MPs to interrogate Lord Cameron on foreign affairs. An hour ago,⁤ Labour criticized the Tory response to Mark Menzies allegations‌ as inadequate and suggested involving ​the police. Recent polls ⁤indicate that Rishi Sunak’s⁢ approval rating ⁣as Prime Minister⁢ has hit a record ‍low. Additionally, Grant Shapps criticized Labour over the Rwanda bill and proposed the ⁤use of‍ RAF planes for‌ deportation. The Ipsos polling company has⁢ released ​charts showing Sunak’s approval rating‍ compared to⁣ other prime ministers,‌ as well as Keir⁤ Starmer’s ratings compared to other opposition leaders. Starmer’s‍ leadership has significantly boosted his​ party’s popularity, making him more successful than any opposition leader since Tony Blair. In another development, Neil Gray, the Scottish government’s health ‌secretary,⁣ praised two​ health boards for pausing the‌ prescription of puberty blockers to new patients, a decision supported by Scotland’s chief medical ‍officer. The Scottish government and boards are⁤ reviewing the recommendations of the Cass Review. During business questions, Lucy Powell questioned why the government is unwilling to ⁤amend parliamentary rules to allow all MPs‍ to question Lord Cameron on foreign affairs.

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