Planned Closure of Microsoft-Activision Deal Expected to be Delayed

Planned Closure of Microsoft-Activision Deal Expected to be Delayed

(Bloomberg)⁣ — ‌Microsoft ‌Corp. ​and Activision ‌Blizzard​ Inc. are nearing​ the​ finish line on their‌ $69⁢ billion⁣ deal, ⁢but ‌aren’t likely​ to ⁤close‌ it by ‍a Tuesday ‍deadline,​ people‌ familiar ⁢with ‍the deal⁤ said.

Most ⁣Read ⁢from Bloomberg

The​ companies ‍don’t ‍plan ‍to walk ⁣away ⁢from the deal and‌ will continue⁣ seeking the ‌final ‌regulatory⁣ approvals⁢ needed ‌for⁣ closing, said the people, ⁤who ⁢declined‌ to⁢ be named‌ because they were not ‌authorized to​ speak publicly on ⁤the matter.

Microsoft and⁣ Activision declined to comment.

Regulatory momentum has ‌shifted⁤ in⁢ favor ⁢of‍ the​ deal in recent days, ⁤with ⁣the ​US ‍Federal ⁢Trade Commission ​failing to​ block ⁤it in⁢ court ⁢and the UK’s Competition‍ and Markets‌ Authority‍ announcing ‍an unprecedented move to start ‌fresh‍ talks​ on​ ways‌ to⁢ assuage ​UK​ government concerns. ‍Still, ‌the⁢ progress⁣ likely isn’t fast‌ enough to⁤ complete ‌the deal by Tuesday’s​ milestone.

The potentially⁣ missed deadline ⁤underscores ‍the sway held⁤ by regulators ​in the​ UK, one of the ⁢biggest ⁤markets…

2023-07-17⁣ 17:59:15
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