Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox, addresses a day filled with extensive leaks

Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox, addresses a day filled with extensive leaks

After a day of leaks comprising ​an all-digital Xbox Series X,‌ an advanced controller, a “cloud-hybrid” console, fruitless Nintendo acquisition‍ plans and ⁢some very mean words ‌about Baldur’s Gate 3, Xbox head Phil Spencer has ⁤spoken ⁣publicly ‌— and semi-privately⁣ — about​ the situation for the first time.

On X, Spencer said, “It is ⁤hard to see our team’s work shared in this way because so much has changed and there’s so⁤ much⁤ to be excited about right now, and‌ in the future.” He added that the company “will share⁤ the spencer-head-of-xbox-addresses-a-day-filled-with-extensive-leaks.html” title=”Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox, addresses a day filled with extensive leaks”>real plans when ⁢we are ready.”

In an‌ internal memo sent to employees at Microsoft’s gaming division, and published in⁣ full by The Verge, Spencer went further. The full note…

2023-09-19 17:03:26
Post‌ from ⁣ rnrn

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