Persistent Speculation on Putin’s Health Reflected in Leaked Documents

Persistent Speculation on Putin’s Health Reflected in Leaked Documents

WASHINGTON — The speculation surrounding Vladimir V. Putin’s health has been a topic of discussion for over a year, with internet video forensics and potential wartime propaganda fueling the rumors. However, U.S. officials have stated that there is no evidence to suggest that the Russian leader is dying.

Recently, a leaked classified document has added to the fascination with Putin’s health. The document describes a conversation between two Ukrainian officials about a conspiracy among Putin’s internal opponents to challenge his rule while he was undergoing chemotherapy.

Despite the lack of evidence to support this claim or any previous ones, the leaked document does not suggest that the United States finds it credible. In July, the director of the C.I.A. dismissed speculation about Putin’s health, and many Russia experts agree.

The public discussion of Putin’s well-being has been analyzed by experts…

2023-04-26 15:30:27
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