Parkinson’s patient walks for miles thanks to innovative spinal implant

Parkinson’s patient walks for miles thanks to innovative spinal implant

A Parkinson’s patient ‍can now walk 6km ⁢(3.7 miles)‍ thanks to an implant targeting the spinal cord. The Guardian reports that the man⁣ —⁢ 62-year-old “Marc” from Bordeaux, France — developed severe mobility impairments from the degenerative disease. “I practically could not⁤ walk anymore without falling‍ frequently, ⁤several times a day,” he said in a press release announcing the‍ breakthrough. “In some situations, ​such as entering a lift,⁤ I’d trample ⁣on the spot, as though I was frozen there, you might say.” Wearing the spinal‌ implant allows him to walk “almost normally” as the research team ⁤eyes⁢ a full ​clinical trial.

Marc underwent a “precision neurosurgical procedure” two years ago at Lausanne University Hospital ⁢(CHUV), which helped facilitate the research. The surgery ⁤fitted‌ him with ‍an electrode field placed against his spinal cord​ and an electrical impulse generator under the skin of ‍his abdomen. Although conventional Parkinson’s‌ treatments often…

2023-11-06 14:36:37
Article from rnrn

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