Palestinians Continue to Face Water Scarcity: A Visual Journey

Palestinians Continue to Face Water Scarcity: A Visual Journey

It is easy to identify the Israeli ‍settlements – which are illegal under international law – that are encroaching on more ⁤and more of the occupied West Bank.

They stand in stark contrast to the arid villages of the⁣ occupied West Bank, where a severe lack of water forces farmers to abandon their precious date ⁢palms and desert their​ greenhouses.

Palestinians ⁤claim‍ that they can ⁤barely access enough water to bathe their children and wash their clothes, let alone sustain livestock and grow fruit trees.

In comparison, ⁢the ⁢Israeli settlements​ appear as oases. Flowers​ flourish, farmed fish swim in orderly ⁣rows of ponds, ⁤and children​ play in community pools.

In the herding communities of the northern Jordan Valley, Palestinians consume only ⁢26 litres (7 gallons) of water per day – well below ​the minimum‌ requirement of 50-100 litres recommended by the⁣ World Health ⁣Organization, according to B’Tselem.

In​ contrast, Israeli settlers in the Jordan ‌Valley consume 400-700 litres per capita per day, as reported by the rights​ group.

The 500,000‍ Jewish settlers⁣ residing in the West Bank​ are⁢ connected to the Israeli water grid,⁢ which provides them with ⁣a continuous water supply. However, Palestinian ‍cities ‌are not connected to⁤ this grid. Consequently, Palestinians receive water sporadically during scorching summers.

Since⁢ the interim ‍peace accords​ in the 1990s, which granted Israel control over 80 percent of the water reserves and most other aspects of ​Palestinian life, Palestinian towns‍ and⁣ cities across ⁤the occupied ⁣West Bank have suffered. ​These “interim” accords are ⁣still in effect today.

These accords also established a limited‌ self-rule ⁤Palestinian government that obtains water for ‌its growing cities by tapping into the‍ rapidly depleting reservoirs it shares with Israel and‍ purchasing water from Israel’s state-run company.

This leaves Palestinians living in the‍ 60 percent of‌ the West​ Bank under full Israeli civil ‍control stranded, ⁢disconnected⁣ from both Israeli and‍ Palestinian ⁣water grids.

With⁢ regional⁤ droughts‌ worsening, temperatures ⁣rising, and Israel’s far-right government‍ solidifying military rule over the ⁣occupied ⁤territory,‍ Palestinians claim that their water problems have worsened.

The water supply is shrinking as ‌the demands of Israeli towns take priority over Palestinian needs. In‍ areas ⁣where Israel has full control in the occupied West Bank, ⁤Palestinians are‍ unable to dig or ⁤deepen wells without difficult-to-obtain permits.

Since 2021, Israeli authorities have demolished nearly 160 Palestinian reservoirs, ⁢sewage networks, and wells across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, citing lack of authorization, according to the ‍United Nations humanitarian agency, OCHA.

Original ⁢from

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