Optimized Pancreatic Cancer Therapy Achieved through Nanoparticle Treatment Approach, Researchers Find

Optimized Pancreatic Cancer Therapy Achieved through Nanoparticle Treatment Approach, Researchers Find

Pancreatic cancer‍ is a highly lethal⁢ form of cancer in humans. It ranks as ‍the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the western world. Unfortunately, the​ early stages of the disease often ⁣progress silently,​ resulting in late diagnosis. Additionally, ⁤advanced tumors and their metastases cannot⁤ be completely removed. Chemotherapies, while targeting‍ tumor cells, also harm healthy cells throughout the body.

Innovative nanoparticles ‌offer a potential new approach for more precise cancer treatment.⁤ A research team from the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Multidisciplinary Sciences, the ‍University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG), and the Karlsruhe Institute of​ Technology (KIT) has⁣ developed this approach. The goal is to optimize the therapy for clinical application as quickly as possible.

This⁣ method shows promise in treating ⁣pancreatic carcinomas with greater accuracy and fewer side effects compared to current cancer​ therapies. ‌By using nanoparticles, a large quantity of the active substance Gemcitabine can be directly transported into the⁢ tumor.

“By delivering ‍the drug in high concentrations to ⁢the ​tumor cells using nanoparticles, we can enhance its effectiveness while sparing healthy cells. This can reduce the severe side ‍effects‌ associated with Gemcitabine,” explains Myrto‌ Ischyropoulou, the lead ⁢author of the study recently published in the ⁣journal Advanced Materials.

“Currently, patients ⁤receive the free drug, which is⁢ distributed ⁤throughout ‍the⁣ body and can cause toxic effects in ⁣various organs. In contrast, ‍the nanoparticles primarily release the drug within the tumor.”

2023-11-15 11:41:03
Article from​ phys.org

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