Operator injured in Melbourne mobile speed camera attack using rubbish bin and rocks

Operator injured in Melbourne mobile speed camera attack using rubbish bin and rocks

A mobile speed camera operator has ​been injured⁤ after his car​ was attacked by five men⁢ in a Melbourne street.

The ‌blue SUV, fixed ‍with traffic cameras ⁤in its rear window, was ⁤operating on Nicholson Street at Coburg in the early hours of Friday morning when⁢ it was attacked.

Police said⁣ the men‍ jumped on the car⁢ and threw rocks and a ⁣rubbish bin at it, shattering the back, front and side windows,⁢ before fleeing ‍on foot.

The 36-year-old ‌operator, a⁤ St Albans man who works for government‌ subcontractor Serco, drove away and​ was treated for minor cuts.

Investigators have released images of his alleged ‌attackers, ⁢who‍ remain on the run.

The ⁢Community⁣ and ⁢Public Sector Union’s spokesperson, Julian Kennelly, said the operator was sitting in the front passenger seat of the vehicle during what he⁣ alleged was a ​“horrific planned assault”.

Windows on ​the car were‍ smashed during the attack. ‌Photograph: CPSU Victoria

Operators⁢ stopped work on New Year’s Eve ⁣and New Year’s ‍Day‍ as part​ of a pay dispute with Serco,​ which‌ runs the state’s mobile safety ‍cameras.

Kennelly said⁣ the⁢ company remained⁣ “firmly with ‌its head⁢ in the sand on operator safety” and was refusing ⁣to talk ‍to the ​union.

“Operators are in a real life David and Goliath battle‍ with‍ the biggest multinational company in the world who are on a Victorian government contract,” he⁤ said.

“Workers⁢ need a hero from the government ​to step up for them. Someone needs to act before there’s a‌ death.”

A 36-year-old‌ operator was also injured on 21 December, when​ his ​traffic-camera ⁣car was attacked ‍by ⁤four‌ people on Royal Parade in Parkville.

Serco has been contacted for comment.

2024-01-05 03:20:59
Link from www.theguardian.com

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