Online Safety Bill: UK Reverses Controversial Encryption Regulations

Online Safety Bill: UK Reverses Controversial Encryption Regulations

The UK government has ⁣conceded one of the more controversial parts of its Online Safety Bill, ‍stating that the powers granted by the legislation will not be used to scan encrypted messaging apps for harmful ​content until it⁢ can be‍ done in a targeted manner.

Companies will not be required to scan‌ encrypted messages until it is ⁤”technically feasible and where‍ technology has been accredited as meeting minimum standards of‌ accuracy in detecting only child sexual abuse and exploitation content,” said Stephen Parkinson, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for‌ Arts​ and Heritage, in a planned statement during the bill’s third reading in the ‌House of ​Lords on Wednesday afternoon.

As recently as ⁣August, Michelle Donelan, the secretary of state ​for Science, Innovation‍ and Technology, told the BBC that technology was in development ​that would allow encrypted messages to ⁣be scanned only for information related to abuse ​and exploitation  — a view that was at odds with both ⁣Big Tech companies and the ⁢government’s own⁢ Safety ⁤Tech Challenge Fund, which failed⁤ to ⁢find ⁢a technical ⁤solution to the problem.

But the government’s position that there will be no scanning of ⁢encypted messaging apps until it’s technically feasible⁤ is “nonsense,” said ‌Matthew Hodgson,⁤ co-founder of Element, a⁤ decentralized British messaging app. “Scanning is fundamentally ⁢incompatible⁤ with end-to-end encrypted messaging apps.‍ Scanning bypasses the encryption in order to scan, exposing your messages ⁤to attackers.”

Hodgeson said that​ the UK governmenrt has simply opened the door‍ to scanning in the future. “It’s not a change, it’s ⁣kicking the can down the road.”

What ​is the Online Safety Bill?

The Online Safety Bill is legislation that aims to keep websites and different types of internet-based services free of illegal and harmful material‌ while defending‍ freedom of expression. It applies to search⁣ engines; internet services that host user-generated content, such as social ​media platforms; online forums;‌ some ​online games; and sites that publish or⁢ display pornographic ⁤content.

While proposals ‌to keep internet users safe from fraudulent and other potentially ⁤harmful⁣ content and ‍prevent children, in⁣ particular, from accessing damaging‍ material, have been widely welcomed, people across the political⁤ spectrum have been less‌ than thrilled about a clause inserted by the ​government in the summer of 2022. ‍This amendment would have forced tech companies providing end-to-end ⁣encrypted messaging to scan for child ​sex abuse material (CSAM) ⁣so it can be​ reported to authorities.

Civil⁤ liberty groups, cybersecurity experts, elected officials, and ‍a number of organizations have‌ repeatedly argued that the legislation’s‌ current provisions⁣ would​ erode the benefits of‌ encryption in private communications, reduce⁣ internet safety for UK citizens and⁤ businesses, and compromise freedom of speech.

“The Online Safety Bill poses a serious‍ threat to…

2023-09-07 04:00:03
Post ⁤from rnrn

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