On the Day of Coronation, Dozens of Protesters Arrested by London Police

On the Day of Coronation, Dozens of Protesters Arrested by London Police

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Escalation of Tensions between Police and Protesters during Coronation Day in London

Protesters Take to the Streets

London witnessed a series of protests and demonstrations on the day of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation. The protesters expressed their dissatisfaction with the monarchy and demanded its end. The streets were crowded with people, and tensions were high.

Dozens Arrested by London Police

The London police were present in full force to maintain peace. However, this resulted in the arrest of dozens of protesters throughout the day. Although the police were able to keep things relatively under control, tensions remained high.

Challenges Faced by the Police

The police encountered several challenges during the day. They had to deal with angry protesters and the large number of people on the streets, making it difficult to identify and apprehend individuals committing crimes.

The Role of Social Media

Social media played a significant role in the protests. Protesters used platforms like Twitter and Facebook to organize their protests and stay informed about police movements. However, the police also used social media to gather intelligence on the protesters and track their movements.


The protests on the day of the coronation highlighted that not everyone in London was excited about the monarchy. Although the police were able to maintain peace, there were still dozens of arrests and a lot of tension in the streets. The role of social media in the protests emphasized the importance of technology in modern-day protests.

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