Oil giants sued by California for minimizing dangers of fossil fuels

Oil giants sued by California for minimizing dangers of fossil fuels

(Reuters)⁤ – The ⁢state of California has filed​ a lawsuit against major oil companies, including ⁣Exxon Mobil Corp, ⁢Shell ​PLC, and Chevron Corp, accusing them of downplaying the risks associated with fossil ‍fuels, as reported ‌by the New York ⁤Times on ⁢Friday.

The lawsuit, which also targets BP and ConocoPhillips, ‍alleges that the actions of these energy giants have caused ⁤tens of billions of dollars in damage and accuses them of deceiving the public. The filing was made in ​a superior ⁢court in San Francisco.

The case also ⁤includes the American Petroleum Institute, an industry trade​ group,⁣ as a defendant. California is seeking the establishment​ of an abatement fund to cover future damages caused by climate-related disasters in the⁢ state.

This legal action follows⁣ numerous ⁢lawsuits filed‍ in ⁣recent years by states and municipalities across the‌ United​ States, which broadly ⁣claim that the ⁤fossil fuel ​industry ​is responsible for harms caused by climate​ impacts, including extreme weather events.

The American Petroleum…

2023-09-16 05:44:15
Post‌ from ⁤ finance.yahoo.com

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