The Odysseus spacecraft, developed by Houston-based Intuitive Machines, has successfully landed on the moon. This is the first time a private company’s spacecraft has landed on the lunar surface, and it’s the first US-made craft to reach the moon since the Apollo missions. The spacecraft was carrying NASA instruments, which will be used to prepare for future crewed missions to the moon under the Artemis program. NASA confirmed the landing at 6:23 PM ET on February 22. The lander was launched from Earth on February 15, with the help of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. According to The New York Times, there were some “technical issues…
Your order was delivered… to the Moon! 📦@Int_Machines’ uncrewed lunar lander landed at 6:23pm ET (2323 UTC), bringing NASA science to the Moon’s surface. These instruments will prepare us for future human exploration of the Moon under #Artemis.
— NASA (@NASA) February 22, 2024
2024-02-22 20:00:41
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