Numerous outsourced workers left uncredited in Baldur’s Gate 3

Numerous outsourced workers left uncredited in Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s ‌Gate III isn’t ⁢even fully released yet and it’s already achieved the kind of ‌buzz other developers would sell a ⁢kidney ⁢for. However, with that buzz comes increased public scrutiny, and it looks like the game failed to‍ credit many of the workers who helped complete ⁣the project,⁣ as reported by Game⁢ Developer.

The issue was ​originally spotted by freelance localization‍ producer Katrina Leonoudakis, who noted that the game’s⁣ credits failed to mention translators who ‌worked on the Brazilian and⁣ Portuguese ⁤localizations. A company called​ Altagram Group handled these translations, and it’s worth ⁤noting that company executives and department leads appear in the credits.⁤ Additionally, translators​ who localized to other languages, like⁢ Italian, were properly credited, though ​these​ translations were handled by companies other than Altagram.

The issue goes beyond translators, as reports⁢ also indicate that​ outsourcing studios failed to list many devs involved with the⁣ project. The…

2023-08-09 13:37:26
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