North Korea’s ICBM Sets New Record with 74-Minute Flight

North Korea’s ICBM Sets New Record with 74-Minute Flight

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What type of ICBM did North Korea launch on the record-breaking 74-minute flight?


In a worrying development, North Korea successfully launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on a record-breaking 74-minute flight. The provocation has intensified global concerns about the regime’s nuclear capabilities and its potential reach.

ICBM Flight Details

North Korea’s ICBM soared to an unprecedented height, nearly reaching the edge of space with an estimated altitude of over 2,800 kilometers (1,750 miles). The 74-minute flight time is particularly alarming as it demonstrates a significant advancement in North Korea’s missile technology.

International Response

The international community has swiftly condemned North Korea’s latest missile launch. UN Secretary-General António Guterres called it a clear violation of multiple Security Council resolutions. Concerns are growing over the country’s ability to strike distant targets, including major cities in the United States and its allies.

Impact on Regional Security

The missile launch has intensified tensions in the already volatile region. South Korea, Japan, and the United States have expressed deep concerns and urged for stricter sanctions against North Korea to curb its nuclear ambitions.

Implications for Diplomatic Efforts

The recent missile test has further strained diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation on the Korean Peninsula. It challenges the ongoing efforts of international powers to negotiate a peaceful resolution with North Korea and prevent further missile tests.


North Korea’s successful ICBM launch and record-breaking flight time have sent shockwaves across the world. The event underlines the urgent need for a united international response to address the growing threat posed by the country’s accelerating missile program. It is crucial for nations to work together to ensure regional and global security, while seeking diplomatic solutions to avoid any further escalation of tensions.


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