Nintendo’s Massive Crackdown: Over 8,000 Emulator-Related DMCA Takedowns on GitHub

Nintendo has taken action against more than 8,000 ⁤GitHub repositories that⁢ were‍ hosting code from the Yuzu ⁢Switch emulator. This emulator, previously criticized by Nintendo for enabling widespread piracy, has now been targeted with Digital Millennium Copyright Act ‍(DMCA) notices. The move follows a recent lawsuit settlement between Yuzu’s creators and Nintendo, resulting in a $2.4 million payment.

Reports from reveal that⁣ 8,535 ‌GitHub repositories⁤ have ⁤been affected by the DMCA notice. ⁤Nintendo’s representatives claim that the Yuzu source code in these repositories violates their technological‌ protection measures ​and facilitates⁣ the illegal copying of Switch ​games.

GitHub has stated that developers ⁣will have the opportunity to make changes to their content before it is disabled. In a⁢ developer-friendly gesture, the platform, owned ⁣by Microsoft, is providing legal resources and guidance for ‍those looking‌ to submit DMCA counter-notices.

This aggressive ​legal action by Nintendo highlights‌ their commitment to protecting their intellectual property…

2024-05-03 15:00:21
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