NGC 6522 Globular Cluster Discovers Two Fresh Pulsars

NGC 6522 Globular Cluster Discovers Two Fresh Pulsars

Using the MeerKAT radio telescope, an international team of astronomers has observed a Galactic globular cluster known ⁣as NGC⁢ 6522. As a ⁤result, they have discovered two new isolated pulsars in this​ cluster. The finding is reported in a⁢ paper published ⁢October 5 on the pre-print server arXiv.

Pulsars are highly magnetized, rotating neutron stars emitting ‌a beam of electromagnetic ​radiation. Astronomers searching for new pulsars focus their observations on ⁢globular clusters (GCs), as such gravitationally bound collections of stars are ideal factories for the formation of ‍a large variety of astronomical‌ objects.

Recently, a group of astronomers led by Federico Abbate of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in​ Bonn,⁢ Germany, has conducted a‍ search for new pulsars in ‍NGC 6522 as part of​ the MeerTIME and TRansients And PUlsars with MeerKAT (TRAPUM) projects.

NGC 6522 is a core-collapsed Galactic GC at a distance of about 25,100 light years, with a mass of about 300,000 solar masses. Its age is ⁢estimated to be 12 billion ⁤years, therefore it may be the oldest‌ star cluster in the Milky⁣ Way⁤ galaxy.

“In this manuscript we report the discovery of two new isolated pulsars in NGC 6522 in observations made with the MeerKAT telescope,” the researchers wrote.

2023-10-17 01:24:03
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