New Swift Jet Stream Discovered in Jupiter’s Atmosphere by JWST

New Swift Jet Stream Discovered in Jupiter’s Atmosphere by JWST

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New beauty shots of Jupiter, captured by​ the James Webb Space Telescope, reveal a speedy jet stream encircling the equator at an altitude never ⁢imaged​ before.
“We were not expecting⁣ to find these strange motions in the equatorial atmosphere,” says Hueso, of the University of ⁤the Basque Country in⁤ Bilbao, Spain. There is no theory that predicts a change​ in the winds ​at⁣ this altitude on ‍Jupiter, he says.
It’s not clear yet what causes the speedy jet. “If you have very intense motions, you need energy to produce those motions,” Hueso says. This energy could come from storms below the jet. It may also be linked to ​happenings higher in the troposphere, where scientists have observed​ a band where temperature and wind ⁢intensity oscillate over four or so years. Similar cycles over ⁣the⁢ equator also occur on Saturn and Earth.
Earlier observations of Jupiter hadn’t been able to image ⁤this part of the stratosphere. Its ⁣altitude lies below what ground-based telescopes on Earth glimpse and above what the Hubble Space Telescope captures. But using special infrared filters, JWST was able to peek into ​this mysterious region.

2023-11-03 07:00:00
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