New Submarine Successfully Test-Fires Nuclear-Capable Bulava Missile, Announces Russia

New Submarine Successfully Test-Fires Nuclear-Capable Bulava Missile, Announces Russia

Russia has announced the successful ‌test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile ‌capable of carrying ‌nuclear warheads from​ one of its submarines.

This launch took place on ⁣Sunday, shortly after Russian President‌ Vladimir Putin‌ signed the withdrawal of its ratification of the global nuclear test ban treaty. Moscow argued that this move was necessary‌ to align​ with the United States.

“The new nuclear-powered strategic ​missile submarine cruiser Emperor Alexander‌ the Third has successfully launched the ⁣Bulava sea-based ⁣intercontinental ballistic⁣ missile,” stated Russia’s defense ​ministry on Sunday.

The Bulava missile, designed​ to carry up⁢ to six nuclear‍ warheads according to the Federation of American Scientists, was launched ⁣from an underwater​ position in ⁢the White Sea off Russia’s northern coast. It hit a⁢ target ⁤thousands of⁢ kilometers away on ‍the Kamchatka peninsula in the Russian ⁢Far East.

The Emperor Alexander the Third is one of Russia’s new ⁢Borei-class nuclear submarines, ​equipped with 16 Bulava missiles each. These submarines are ⁣more ⁢maneuverable ​and ⁣quieter than previous models.

The Russian navy currently has three Borei-class submarines in ⁤service, with one undergoing ​tests and ⁢three others under construction, as stated by the⁢ defense ministry.

Source ⁢from

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