New Research Identifies Extensive Roman Road Network Across South West UK

New Research Identifies Extensive Roman Road Network Across South West UK

A Roman road network that spanned Devon and Cornwall and connected significant settlements ⁤with military ​forts across the​ two counties as well as wider Britannia has been discovered for the first time.

Archaeologists at the University of Exeter have used laser scans collected as⁣ part of the Environment​ Agency’s National LiDAR Programme to identify new sections of road west of the previously understood boundary.

Using sophisticated geographical modeling ⁢techniques, which incorporate ⁢information around gradients ⁤and ‌flood risk, the researchers have then been able to map out the full extent of the network and⁢ begin to understand the rationale ⁣for its existence.

Among the things it reveals ‌is‌ that far from Exeter being the main nerve center of the ‌network, it was North ​Tawton that supported strategically vital connections with tidal estuaries⁢ north and south of Bodmin and Dartmoor.

These findings‌ are ⁢explored in Remote Sensing and GIS Modeling of Roman Roads in South West Britain which has been published in the Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology.

2023-08-07 10:24:03
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